Friday, October 9, 2009


In a nutshell:

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the air passages within the lungs. It occurs when the trachea and large and small bronchi are inflamed due to infection or other causes. The thin mucous linings for these airways can become irritated, and secrete fluids in response to the inflammation. Coughing is the natural reflex that tries to remove the fluid from the lungs.

  1. Different viruses can cause Bronchitis, such as Influenza A and B.
  2. Certain bacteria can also cause Bronchitis, like Mycoplasma pneumoniae. (same bacteria that causes "walking pneumonia"
  3. Irritation of the airways can also be due to fumes and dust (e.g. Cigarette Smoke)


  1. Coughing (may be dry or produce phlegm.) Cough may last up for more than 2 weeks. It may be severe enough to injure chest wall or cause fainting
  2. Significant amounts of phlegm may mean that lower respiratory tract and lung are infected as well. You may also have Pneumonia
  3. Wheezing due to inflammation of the airways. May lead to shortage of breath.


  1. Most cases of Bronchitis are cause by viral infection, and therefore can be treated with antibiotics. However, experts are pushing for doctors to go easy on prescribing antibiotics, because they believe it will help the bacteria become immune.
  2. Acetaminophen, aspirin, and ibuprofen can be taken to reduce fever and muscle aches.
  3. Staying hydrated makes fluid in the lungs thinner and easier to clear.
  4. Humidifiers will help lessen bronchial irritation.
  5. Over-the-counter cough suppressants may be taken to alleviate coughing.

Extra Stuff:

Check out the above website. It's got a nice slide show with tons of info and visuals on Bronchitis.

website used:

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