Thursday, October 8, 2009



Asbestosis is a breathing disorder in which the accumulation of asbestos fibers in the lungs cause the lung tissue to scar. The scarred lung tissue cannot perform gas exchange and expand and contract normally.

Asbestos is a natural mineral product that is resistant to heat and corrosion. It can be found in products such as
  • insulation
  • fire-retardant materials
  • cement
  • some vinyl flooring
Most cases of asbestosis were acquired on job cites involving these materials in the mid-70's. Now it is very rare to be diagnosed with asbestosis after the federal government began to regulate the use of asbestos products.

Symptoms of asbestosis start similar to symptoms of other breathing disorders such as asthma, however they develop differently, over years and months. Symptoms include
  • Chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • tightness of chest
  • cough
Other possible symptoms
  • Nail abnormalities
  • clubbing of fingers
To detect asbestosis a doctor will listen to the chest with a stethoscope and hear a crackling sound. Then the doctor with follow through with
  • CT scan of the lungs
  • Chest x-ray
  • Pulmonary function tests
  • Gallium lung scan
There are no curative treatments of asbestosis. The scarring of the tissue of the lungs is irreversible. In rare cases sometimes a lung is removed if it is decided that the lung can no longer serve its purpose. Patients are focused on symptomatic relief instead through palliative treatments. Oxygen is often administered to asbestosis sufferers to comp the feeling of being out of breath. This is done because the scarred tissue decreases the victims total lung capacity. Another treatment is postural drainage. The excessive lung scarring stops a buildup of mucous secretions that also negatively affect lung capacity. In postural drainage the use of different body positions to manipulate gravity to assist in removing the lung secretions. Asbestosis patients are also treated with drugs that can thin out the built up secretions.

Interesting Facts:
  • The reason asbestos is so dangerous for us to be around in because its particles are extremely long and thin, so they can get past the filtration systems of the respiratory system in the nose and the passages in the lungs and move directly to the alveoli.
  • In most cases, symptoms of asbestosis will not occur until 20 years or more after the exposure to the asbestos.
  • Other serious asbestos related diseases are pleural plaques, pleural effusion and malignant mesothelioma.

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